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Muppet Show: Season One [DVD] [Import]【並行輸入品】【年末の贈り物】

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商品名 Muppet Show: Season One [DVD] [Import]
商品コメント レビューThe charm, the zaniness, the corny jokes, the showbiz cliches--every element of The Muppet Show holds up 30 years after Jim Hensons legendary variety series debut season. Well, perhaps not everything: Todays younger viewers might have a hard time placing some of The Muppet Shows then-guest stars, such as Florence Henderson or Ruth Buzzi. But then, the Shows real celebrities are perennial icons Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Gonzo the... whatever, Fozzie Bear, Animal, and the rest of the Muppets harried, well-meaning family of entertainers. Season One finds the show pretty much in the basic shape longtime fans will remember: A musical introduction followed by backstage chaos, another musical number, a sketch, a scene with the guest star, and so on. A half-hour episode can fly by pretty quickly, but its interesting to note that the series hadnt quite found its familiar tone through much of the first year. A reliance on too many disposable verbal jokes and redundant, so-so material for sketch fodder ultimately gives way to more creative premises and the development of key relationships between characters. By the final half-dozen episodes in the first season, The Muppet Show is truly cooking. Season highlights include Kermits confession to guest Juliet Prowse that he always wanted to be a dancer, and Prowses comparison of the little green superstar to Robert Redford. Joel Grey does a cabaret-style act for a roomful of Muppets and is later outraged when Kermits introduction of the actor proves so thorough there is nothing left for the latter to say. Rita Moreno proves quite game in a funny piece, set in a French cafe, in which her dance with a man-size Muppet turns from romantic to table-smashing violent. Harvey Korman plays bumbling ringmaster Maurice the Magnificent, easily the worst animal trainer in history. Phyllis Diller bats out shameless one-liners (I sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and it fell on me, and Vincent Price toys with his own horror film image by playing a ghoul who turns into a maudlin orchestra conductor at midnight. --Tom Keogh Stills from The Muppet Show (click for larger image The divine Miss Piggy Kermit and Miss Piggy Fozzie Bear and Kermit Sing along! Everyones a criticProduct DescriptionIts time to raise the curtain on THE MUPPET SHOW! Join Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, the Swedish Chef and more, in the complete first season of this groundbreaking twist on the classic Variety Show. Included are all 24 episodes, completely restored and remastered, plus two never-before-seen episodes, bonus features, and something you were never meant to see: Jim Hensons original pitch reel that propelled the Muppets blend of original songs, sketch comedy and guest stars into a primetime hit for all ages! Come discover for yourself the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational pleasures of THE MUPPET SHOW: SEASON ONE!
Muppet Show: Season One [DVD] [Import]【並行輸入品】【年末の贈り物】

残り 1 7525円

(75 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.01.07〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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